Join us once again in our efforts
Our beautiful twin daughters, Chloe Hope and Isabelle Frances, were born premature on May 31, 2006, at just 26 weeks, weighing just over 1 pound each.
Josh and I held our breath in the delivery room as they performed an emergency c-section. We were thrilled when the NICU doctors in the delivery room told us both babies were breathing and doing well. Chloe and Isabelle remained stable and seemed to be thriving in the NICU.
Early in the morning of June 1, Chloe and Isabelle had pulmonary hemorrhages at the same exact time--a very twin thing to do--and went into critical condition.
Doctors woke us to say our goodbyes to our babies. Chloe, who was slightly smaller than Isabelle, and a bit weaker, could not take the stress on her body. She died in our arms on June 2, two days after her birth.
Isabelle fought for five weeks in the NICU. She was on a respirator, had many blood transfusions, infections, collapsed lungs, and swelling in her brain. Isabelle was so strong and tough but her body was pushed to its limit. She too died in our arms, on July 3, 2006.
In 2007, Josh and I were blessed with another little girl, Olivia Faith and in 2009 with a baby boy, Julian Ilias. Olivia and Julian are our little miracles and we tell them about their sisters all the time. Chloe & Isabelle will forever be their guardian angels.
We are dedicated to supporting March for Babies. Our amazing friends and family were there for us during our time in the NICU and we hope you can continue to show your support. This is a very special cause. It is so important to us, and to countless other expectant parents, that all babies be born healthy.
Read our DAILY journal from our 34 days in the NICU in 2006
Honoring Their Memory
While we can never bring our babies back, we think the best way to honor their memory and give meaning to their lives is to dedicate ourselves to raising money for an organization that fights for babies and preventing premature births.
Please visit our March for Babies Team Levine Page to make a donation
and help us reach our goal of $60,000
Donations from people like you
are making a huge difference.
Preterm birth rate fell for the
6th consecutive year
The preterm birth rate fell to a 16-year low of 9.6%. The goal is to hit 8.1% by 2020.
6 state of the art Prematurity Research Centers
are now 100% running, each dedicated to finding a cure for premature birth.
16,400 babies received lifesaving surfactant therapy
developed by March of Dimes researchers
for those tiny underdeveloped lungs.
200 of the brightest minds are working together
The world's top doctors & researchers
WILL find the answers to premature birth.
4 million babies
from March of Dimes research, vaccines, education and breakthroughs.
90,000 families with newborns in a NICU were supported
NICU Family Support provided the comfort and information they needed.
The gifted and dedicated researchers and scientists involved at the 5 research centers WILL find the answers to premature birth, and as a result uplift the health and life opportunities of newborns around the world. And each of you will make a real difference in the world that no other organization than the March of Dimes can promise.
What we've been up to
Wow, what a special year it has been! It's amazing that this is our 11th year at it alongside you. We thought you'd like to see some recent announcements as well as photos and videos from the past several years.
Our Upcoming Events
We hope you will join us at Team Levine’s annual March for Babies events. You won’t want to miss the awesome auction prizes and the very coveted Team Levine t-shirts.